A little girl who always wanted to do more to help others, finally discovers a way

The face of a proud Sharing Star!
Maisie has always been a very empathetic little girl, constantly questioning why people (and animals!) weren't always in comfortable situations. We were quite proud of Maisie when she was so excited about the idea of sharing her birthday gifts with those less fortunate than her. After much deliberation, she decided on donating to the ASPCA and Reach Out and Read - organizations that support two of her favorite things in the world, animals and reading. Maisie was so excited to celebrate with her friends at her party and it was so great to enjoy the day and not worry about bringing home lots of "things" that we would have to find space for. The focus stayed on her birthday, and not on the gifts. After, she was thrilled to receive letters from the charities, thanking her for her donations. She was also so excited to be able to purchase an iPad on her own with her half of the gifts, a present that will always remind her of her friends and of the time she chose to Share Her Wish.