Our Mission

Share Your Wish helps parents teach children the virtues of genorosity and selflessness, while facilitating a more efficient gift exchange that benefits both gift giver and gift receiver. We empower kids and equip parents to simultaneously reduce excessive and frivolous gift giving, support a healthier planet, promote social responsibility, and practice good values while rewarding kids with better personalized gifts.

We are proud to be a mission-driven social enterprise committed to supporting the needs of parents, of children, of those who have, of those in need of help, and of the world we share.

Our Values:

Integrity, above all else

By staying true to our mission and grounded in our core values we earn the trust of parents and children, our customers and communities

Teach social responsibility

When children practice charity they learn compassion, empathy, self-esteem, pride, generosity, empowerment and in turn become better stewards of the world

Help yourself by helping others first

Charitable acts prove that considering the needs of others first can lead to a better outcome for everyone, including yourself

Open communication

Encourage the frequent and open exchange of ideas between parents, kids, employees and customers to breed innovation and better relationships

Our Vision:

Influence children towards a lifetime of social responsibility by teaching them to sow and reap the good fortune of a generous spirit, making the world a little better for everyone